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General Rules

  • The match will follow general competition rules from USPSA rule book aside from the items mentioned below and range specific considerations noted.
  • Equipment rules: Any safe functioning handgun in the caliber 9mm or larger that can be safely holstered in a holster that fully covers the trigger guard when stowed.  Ammo must be production ammo or equivalent meeting a minimum power factor of 125.
  • Scoring will be total points (and x’s) earned less penalties through bullseye scoring zones.
  • Line breaks count towards the higher value scoring area.
  • The range will be run cold, no loaded weapons, no holstered guns, and no magazines in guns outside of the stalls/firing lines.
  • Shooters must bring cold weapons to the line in a pouch or bag and make ready before course of fire. After the stage, guns will be unloaded and then placed back into the bag/pouch.
  • RO is responsible to see and confirm all guns are cleared before they are bagged and leave the firing line.
  • Team score will be the sum of the top three scores on the team, with the fourth/lowest score discarded.
  • Each scoring or procedural penalty will cause the shooter to have 5 points deducted from their score.
  • We have a professional shooter with lots of experience running matches acting as the independent Match Director.  Final rules, interpretations and scoring challenges will be resolved solely by the Match Director.

Division Qualifications

  • The following shooters are required to compete in the Professional division:  Any shooter who is paid or sponsored to shoot, any shooter with a USPSA classification of A, Master or Grand Master, or any shooter with an IDPA Master Classification.  At the discretion of the Match Director, a shooter meeting this criteria shooting in the Amateur division will be disqualified.
  • The LEO division requires credentials from any accredited local, state or federal law enforcement agency.  LEO division competitors must shoot in their duty gear, which includes their standard duty retention holster.  Any LEO may choose to compete in the Amateur or Professional division (as applicable) if they do not with to compete in duty gear.
  • All other shooters will compete in the Amateur division.

Stage 1: Welcome to The Apex!

START POSITION: Standing in Stall, hands at side firearm holstered. Each string starts from this same position.

GUN READY CONDITION: Pistol: Loaded and holstered, 1 magazine with exactly 10 rounds.


  • Stage consists of 5 identical strings of fire consisting of a draw and 2 shots.
  • Target will move to 15 yards and then turn towards the shooter.
  • Shooter can draw from the holster once the target comes to a rest facing the shooter, and engage one bullseye with 2 shots. Targets will be visible for 6 seconds.
  • Shooter will then re-holster and wait for next string. Next string begins when the target turns toward the shooter.
  • Repeat this 5 total times, with each string engaging a DIFFERENT bullseye.
  • At the end of the stage, there should be 2 shots on five different bullseye targets.
  • When finished with the last string the shooter is to eject magazine and clear their firearm before re-holstering.

SCORING: Virginia Count, 10 rounds, 100 points

TARGETS: 1 Paper target with 6 bullseye B8 style targets

SCORED HITS: Best 2 hits per bullseye, each hit in excess of 2 on a single bullseye is a procedural penalty, less than 2 hits is a miss penalty. Both penalties are valued at -5 points. Only 10 total shots are allowed, no extra rounds and no makeups allowed. Any deviation from this is a procedural penalty.

START-STOP: Draw once targets turn – no more shots when targets turn back. Premature movement from shooter is a procedural penalty.


Stage 2: Founders Shoot Bulls

START POSITION: Standing in stall, hands relaxed at sides.

GUN READY CONDITION: Pistol: Holstered with 10 rounds in 1 magazine loaded once instructed so by Range Officer.


  • Target will move to 15 yards and then turn towards the shooter.
  • Once the target is facing the shooter, the shooter may draw the firearm and begin engaging.
  • Shooter must put exactly 2 rounds on 5 DIFFERENT bullseye targets.
  • Time limit is 18 seconds, then the targets will turn away and stage is complete.

SCORING: Virginia Count, 10 rounds, 100 points

TARGETS: 1 Paper target with 6 bullseye B8 style targets

SCORED HITS: Best 2 hits per bullseye, each hit in excess of 2 on a single bullseye is a procedural penalty, less than 2 hits is a miss penalty. Both penalties are valued at -5 points. Only 10 total shots are allowed, no extra rounds and no makeups allowed. Any deviation from this is a procedural penalty.

START-STOP: Draw and shoot when targets turn – no more shots when targets turn back. Premature movement from shooter is a procedural penalty.


Stage 3: I Should Have Played Squash

START POSITION: Standing in Stall, hands relaxed at sides.

GUN READY CONDITION: Pistol: Loaded and holstered, 1 magazine with exactly 10 rounds.


  • Target will move to 25 yards and then turn towards the shooter. There are 5 total turns/strings at varying distances and with exposure at various time intervals.
  • Shooter may draw the gun once the target comes to a rest facing the shooter. The shooter is to shoot 2 rounds into the first B8 and then re-holster. This will repeat two more times with the third draw the shooter is to keep the firearm presented at the low ready.
  • Low ready means finger off the trigger, pointing the gun down at a 45-degree angle.
  • On each turn, the shooter must engage a unique and clean bullseye with exactly 2 shots.
  • When target is not visible/turned toward shooter, the shooter must return to low ready position.
  • At completion, there should be exactly 2 shots on 5 of the bullseyes.

SCORING: Virginia Count, 10 rounds, 100 points

TARGETS: 1 Paper target with 6 bullseye B8 style targets

SCORED HITS: Best 2 hits per bullseye, each hit in excess of 2 on a single bullseye is a procedural penalty, less than 2 hits is a miss penalty. Both penalties are valued at -5 points. Only 10 total shots are allowed, no extra rounds and no makeups allowed. Any deviation from this is a procedural penalty.

START-STOP: 3 holster draws followed by 2 rounds of 2 shots from the low ready each time. Aim and shoot from low ready when targets turn, then return to low ready – no more shots when targets turn back on the fifth time. Premature movement from shooter is a procedural penalty.


Stage 4: Cigars and Whiskey After This!

START POSITION: Standing in Stall, hands relaxed at sides.

GUN READY CONDITION: Pistol: Loaded and holstered, 2 magazines with exactly 5 rounds (one in gun), 1 magazine with exactly 10 rounds. Make sure that the first reload is done with the 10-round magazine.


  • Target will move downrange, then advance forward and turn towards the shooter two different times at varying distances and time intervals.
  • Once the target turns, the shooter will draw the gun, shoot five rounds into one bullseye, reload the gun with the 10-round magazine, and shoot 5 more rounds into a DIFFERENT bullseye. Re-holster the loaded gun and prepare to go again.
  • Target will move and turn again, shooter will repeat the 5 reload 5 procedure on two more clean and unique bullseye targets.
  • Once finished, the target should have exactly 5 shots in exactly 4 of the bullseye targets.

SCORING: Virginia Count, 20 rounds, 200 points

TARGETS: 1 Paper target with 6 bullseye B8 style targets

SCORED HITS: Best 5 hits per bullseye, each hit in excess of 5 on a single bullseye is a procedural penalty, less than 5 hits is a miss penalty. Both penalties are valued at -5 points. Only 20 total shots are allowed, no extra rounds and no makeups allowed. Any deviation from this is a procedural penalty.

START-STOP: Draw and shoot when targets turn to face shooter, then return to holster – no more shots when targets turn back on the second time.  Premature movement from shooter is a procedural penalty.