Range rules for Apex Shooting Center are designed to ensure the comfort and safety of all of our guests. Compliance with ALL rules and the directions issued by Apex staff is required. Any guest not complying with rules or staff instructions will be asked to leave.
- Upon entering the APEX shooting range, all firearms must be entirely enclosed in a bag or case suited for firearms.
- Firearms must stay in their cases until both the shooter and enclosed firearm are within the assigned shooting stall.
- Firearms that are not cased, must be always kept within the shooting stall. If a firearm must be relocated to a different stall, only a Range Safety Officer is permitted to do so. No guest is permitted to transfer a handgun or rifle between stalls unless the firearm is unloaded and fully enclosed in a case.
- All firearms must be pointed down range at all times, without exception. This includes when the shooter is removing it from the case to shoot and when the shooter is preparing to leave and places the firearm back in the case. While the firearm is in the case, it should be pointed downrange.
- All guests must always comply with Apex instructions from a Range Safety Officer (RSO). The RSO is there to ensure safety and provide an enjoyable and safe environment for all.
- Apex prohibits steel core, green tip, incendiary, and tracer ammunition. If a guest is found using banned ammunition, they will be expelled from the property and charged to repair damage caused by said ammunition.
- Guests shooting with our rental firearms are required to utilize ammunition purchased from Apex. The use of any outside ammunition with our rental firearms is strictly prohibited.
- Proper eye and ear protection must be worn and placed on head before entering the shooting bays. Apex strongly recommends that double hearing protection be worn while shooting indoors.
- No sandals or shoes with open toes are permitted in the shooting bays.
- No food, beverages, gum or smoking materials (including e-cigarettes) are permitted in any shooting bays.
- While shooting, guests are required to place their items on the back wall of the shooting bay.
- The maximum permissible caliber in our shooting ranges is 30-06 cal.
- Due to the noise and lead levels associated with shooting ranges, pregnant guests are not permitted to enter the shooting bays.
- All long guns must be properly shouldered when shooting.
- Apex has a zero-tolerance policy for drug and alcohol use before and while shooting. Even if a guest denies consumption, they will be asked to leave if they appear to be under the influence of any substance at the sole discretion of Apex staff members.
- Children under the age 12 are not permitted on the range. Minors must always be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
- Apex adheres to a single-shooter policy for guests. If you wish to rent and shoot with us, you must be able to achieve either of the following 2 criteria:
- Already have your own firearm with you at the time of visit.
- Be accompanied by another person with whom you know personally and both parties are actively shooting at the time of visit.
- Air rifles and BB guns are not permitted.
- Muzzleloaders and shotguns are not permitted.
- You may collect the brass that you personally spent when shooting. Any brass left in our bays from other shooters is the property of Apex Shooting Center.
- Apex Shooting Center is a family-friendly environment. Guests should dress and act appropriately at all times while visiting the store and range. Any guest behaving in a way contrary to this policy will be asked to leave.